自 1983 年以來,LOOK Cycle 憑藉創新精神,在自行車界掀起多次革命性影響。
本次 LOOK Cycle: The Art of Speed 展覽將帶領您穿越時光,回顧 LOOK 在不同時代的經典設計,探索那些定義速度與美學的傳奇車款,以及技術演進如何塑造今日的騎乘體驗。
Since 1983, LOOK Cycle has been at the forefront of innovation, revolutionizing the cycling industry. LOOKcycle: The Art of Speed takes you on a journey through time, rediscovering LOOK’s most iconic designs, legendary bikes that defined speed and aesthetics, and the technological advancements that continue to shape modern cycling.