The Art of Speed

速度美學 / 傳奇單車集合展 Legendary Bike Exhibit


自 1983 年以來,LOOK Cycle 憑藉創新精神,在自行車界掀起多次革命性影響。

本次 LOOK Cycle: The Art of Speed 展覽將帶領您穿越時光,回顧 LOOK 在不同時代的經典設計,探索那些定義速度與美學的傳奇車款,以及技術演進如何塑造今日的騎乘體驗。

Since 1983, LOOK Cycle has been at the forefront of innovation, revolutionizing the cycling industry. LOOKcycle: The Art of Speed takes you on a journey through time, rediscovering LOOK’s most iconic designs, legendary bikes that defined speed and aesthetics, and the technological advancements that continue to shape modern cycling.


The Art of Speed 展覽中將呈現 LOOK 歷年來最具代表性的傳奇車款。我們特別邀請台灣知名圖像設計品牌 減簡手制 創作展覽主視覺,並於現場彩繪 795 車架,將台灣與法國美學融合,打造多層次的觀展體驗,展現 LOOK Cycle 如何傳承與創新。

The Art of Speed exhibition will showcase LOOK’s most renowned and groundbreaking models throughout history, alongside the brand’s latest innovations. We have also invited Taiwan’s renowned graphic design brand JainJain to create the exhibition’s main visual and live frame painting, merging the aesthetics of Taiwan and France.

This immersive experience highlights how LOOK Cycle seamlessly blends heritage with the future.

陳子瑜 Tzu Yu Chen

台灣知名的布花圖案設計師,私底下也是單車愛好者,這次我們一起合作了主視覺的海報,並且邀請他蒞臨我們活動現場,進行 LOOK 795 Blade RS 空白車架繪製,藉由不同的表現方式,展現LOOK在創新以及藝術美感上的追求。

A renowned Taiwanese textile pattern designer, who is also a passionate cyclist, has collaborated with us to create the event’s main visual poster. We have also invited him to join us at the event, where he will paint a LOOK blank frameset live. Through this unique artistic expression, we aim to showcase LOOK’s dedication to innovation and aesthetic excellence.





減簡手制 - 陳子瑜

When I took on this project, I couldn’t help but recall my first encounter with road cycling 20 years ago. Walking into a bike shop, I was captivated by the workbench covered in components—each a perfect blend of form and function. It amazed me how these abstract pieces came together to create something so beautiful.

Cycling has been my longest-standing passion. Every ride through the mountains clears my mind, and the bike—the sum of these intricate parts—is what carries me there.

For this project, I wanted to strip a bicycle back to its essence. Laid out, its components resemble kitchenware—everyday objects full of life.

Tzu Yu Chen


LOOK第一台自己打造的車架 - KG96

自法國開始生產碳纖維車架,TVT 是第一個真正掌握這項技術的品牌,由於製造工藝上相當獨特,這讓他們的車架在強度上優於當時的競爭對手,許多選手甚至不使用贊助商的鋼管車,而是找來TVT車架改個塗裝就上場比賽。


LOOK的第一款品牌碳纖車架 KG86,由LeMond 騎著 KG86 和 PP65 卡踏贏得了他第一個環法自行車賽冠軍,宣告LOOK的王者世代來臨。之後TVT 把經驗傳授給 LOOK,開發出第一款LOOK自家製造的碳纖車架 - KG96。

When France began producing carbon fiber frames, TVT was the first brand to truly master the technology. With its unique manufacturing process, TVT frames surpassed competitors in strength. Many riders even bypassed their sponsors' steel bikes, opting to repaint a TVT frame for racing—because winning was all that mattered.

LOOK’s first branded carbon frame, the KG86, set the stage for a new era. LeMond rode the KG96 and PP65 pedals to his first Tour de France victory, marking LOOK’s rise to dominance. Later, TVT passed its expertise to LOOK, leading to the development of the first fully in-house LOOK carbon frame—the KG96.

歷史上第一台一體式碳纖車 - KG196

1990 年代初,TOHIBA、Gan 和 Credit Agricole 車隊都曾使用過 KG 96,然而,製造過程複雜,受限也很多,於是LOOK 再次創新, 使用了一體式的製造技術,徹底改變了碳纖維自行車的設計。


經典特徵是同名的 Monoblade前叉。這是量產自行車上第一個使用的整體式前叉,透過帶有彈簧的設計與車架連接,以減少道路引起的振動。

In the early 1990s, the TOHIBA, Gan, and Credit Agricole teams all used the KG96. However, its complex manufacturing process came with limitations. LOOK once again pushed innovation forward by introducing a monocoque construction method, revolutionizing carbon fiber bike design.

Freed from the constraints of traditional tube-based frames, designers could now create the most aerodynamic shapes. A defining feature was the Monoblade fork, the first fully integrated fork used on a production bike. With its spring-assisted connection to the frame, it helped absorb road vibrations, enhancing ride quality.

同樣是第一台一體式碳纖車 - KG196 計時車版本

KG196 的計時車版本,更粗大的下管。

整體車身設計啟發了 Look 競爭對手的進一步創新,從而誕生了Lotus 110Corima Cougar等超前衛的設計。由於擔心新技術會給騎士帶來不公平的優勢,1996 年,國際自行車聯盟 (UCI)重新制定了車架的規範。

儘管如此,KG 196 開創的創新仍可在當今的自行車上找到。一體模具設計現在是最常見的碳纖維車架類型,整合式前叉設計也重新出現,從競賽車款到紐約市共享自行車「Citibikes」等各種車型中。

The time trial version of the KG196 featured an even larger downtube, pushing the boundaries of bike design. Its radical aesthetics and engineering inspired competitors, leading to groundbreaking models like the Lotus 110 and Corima Cougar.

Fearing that these advancements would create an unfair advantage, the UCI revised its frame regulations in 1996. Yet, the innovations pioneered by the KG196 still influence modern bicycles. Monocoque construction is now the standard for carbon fiber frames, and integrated forks have made a comeback—not just in high-performance racing bikes but even in everyday rides like New York City’s Citibikes.

只能客製化訂購 - KG296 KG 296 CLM TITANE

據說目前市場上僅有兩台,連 LOOK 總公司都沒有的收藏,鈦合金主架 + 碳纖維直叉,結合創新材料與空力設計,是 90 年代計時賽場上的代表性戰駒。

It’s said that only two of these bikes remain in existence today—so rare that even LOOK’s headquarters doesn’t have one. Featuring a titanium main frame paired with a carbon fiber fork, it was a groundbreaking fusion of materials and aerodynamic design, making it an icon of 1990s time trial racing.

超未來的大膽語言 - 795 AEROLIGHT




LOOK’s decade of refinement didn’t just sharpen a blade—it streamlined every edge into pure efficiency. The brand’s relentless pursuit of an adjustable stem kept the dream alive, allowing riders to fine-tune their position without extra gear. The nearly hidden brake calipers speak to the hearts of minimalist design lovers, while the mind-bending ZED one-piece crankset challenges even the most seasoned mechanics like a complex puzzle.

This is more than a bike—it’s a statement of ambition for the next generation.

795 Blade RS

選擇就是一種放棄嗎?或許吧。但這個規則並不適用於795 Blade RS  


一台適合所有道路地形的超級賽車,無論是想以時速 70 公里的速度衝刺,還是在山腳下發起進攻登頂,795 Blade RS 就是那最可靠的夥伴。

Is choosing one thing always a sacrifice? Maybe. But not when it comes to the 795 Blade RS—especially when your choice gives you every advantage.

This is the ultimate racing machine, built for every road and every challenge. Whether you're sprinting at 70 km/h or attacking a mountain climb from the base, the 795 Blade RS is the most reliable partner you could ask for.

LOOK 796 monoblade RS


An unstoppable time trial legend, built for those who face challenges head-on. Unshaken by the wind, unfazed by the storm—cutting through the air at full speed.

LOOK 復刻版車衣

La Vie Claire 團隊Bernard Tapie於 1984 年創建,並由Paul Köchli指導。車隊包括五屆環法自行車賽冠軍伯納德·伊諾(Bernard Hinault)、三屆冠軍格雷格·萊蒙德(Greg LeMond )、安德魯·漢普斯滕(Andrew Hampsten)和加拿大人史蒂夫·鮑爾(Steve Bauer)

The La Vie Claire team was founded in 1984 by Bernard Tapie and led by Paul Köchli. It featured an all-star lineup, including five-time Tour de France champion Bernard Hinault, three-time winner Greg LeMond, as well as Andrew Hampsten and Canadian rider Steve Bauer.

LOOK 1993型錄收藏


In the paperless age, perhaps a physical catalog is a better way to highlight the true value of tangible items.



As clipless pedals became popular, cycling shoes began to play their crucial role. Here, we can explore the materials used back then and trace the evolution of cycling shoe fashion.


對許多人來說,自行車功率計是最近才誕生的,隨著 Powertap 或 SRM 品牌的出現。但很少人記得,LOOK在1989年推出了一款功率計——MAXone。自行車雜誌上出現了討論度高超的廣告,鮮紅色的碼表,搭配一個漂亮的紅色陽極花鼓。

For many, the power meter is a recent innovation, emerging with brands like Powertap or SRM. However, few remember that LOOK released a power meter back in 1989— the MAXone. Bicycle magazines featured highly discussed ads showcasing the bright red cyclocomputer paired with a stunning red anodized hub.



Design should always be driven by need, never compromising on user convenience. Imagine how great it would be if one stem could solve multiple sizing issues!

展覽5大亮點 Highlights

  • 5台經典傳奇車款展出
  • 藝術家現場彩繪 795 車架
  • 傳奇車展限量周邊商品
  • 新車試乘與展場限時優惠
  • 3/29 LOOK 車主限定 Cafe Ride(須填以下表單報名)

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